Better living through bowling

Monday, December 12, 2005

SLC Contingent in the House or Foot Smash

Weekend bowling proved profitable: I actually rolled a couple of decent games with one of the cursed (cur-sed) house balls at Ritz Classic in lovely whore-bestrewn downtown South Salt Lake City. I had a fine outing initially--scoring in the mid-hundreds for the first time in several weeks (aside from my spectacular come-from-behind near-turkey to beat Senor Picky a couple of weeks ago). My score, however, dipped to a horrific low of 85 for game three, but that was simply because of an extremely distracting family placed in the lane next to us with a 4-year-old-child that was allowed to pull balls out of the ball return with no supervision and, consequently, regular ball dropping. Such tension is enough to throw anyone's game off. All of us were waiting for the child to smash his foot. Sadly, however, that did not happen.


Blogger Condiment said...

When Lintinin and I had our bowling summit the other day there were probably four lanes in use out of thirty-nine. And still they put this obnoxious couple in the lane RIGHT NEXT TO OURS. The woman actually walked down the lane at some point (to push some fallen pin into the pit, or something). No one seemed to care. Further down there was some sort of birthday party with obnoxious kids running five to ten feet past the foul line and into the lane before bowling the ball...while a grownup SHOUTED encouragment. Needless to say, we had to move. Foot smash, yes, we can only hope.

10:31 PM PST


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