Mid-B and the bowling of yesterday
Bring it on SoCal Syndicaters, the SLC Crew is growing strong! Last night the regular folks were joined by Middlebrow of Middlebrow fame and now formally known as Picky to all those in the syndicate. After a self-admited nervous gutterball, Picky rolled a deft set, rolling 135 for the first game and a graceful 148 for the second. I yanked out a chicken in the tenth frame of the second game and bowled a 151. Snowza. I'll let Picky elaborate.
When is the inter-West bowl off?
Picky! Picky the Pounder! (private joke) I laughed out loud when I heard that. I do think we should get together for an InterWest Classic in Las Vegas. McCracken was telling me about a place in Vegas that has a hundred lanes (did I dream this?)....Perhaps after the holidays?
10:39 PM PST
I think that is the bowling museum. Apparently, however, you can't bowl on those 100 lanes. It is reserved for tournaments.
9:18 AM PST
YES! INTER-WEST CLASSIC! There are some 75 beautiful lanes at the Orleans Casino, and when I bowled there two years ago it was $1 game after midnight and no one was there. It is brightly lit (no Rock N' Bowl) and oiled like no lane you've ever seen. I bowled until dawn and then went downstairs for $2 eggs and sausage breakfast.
9:28 AM PST
I would like to see the InterWest Classic happen in January or February...actually, during Sundance would be appropriate. We could put together a 6-person squad pretty easily. Could you?
2:21 PM PST
Hell yes! Well we actually may only be 5 as one of us might be leaving the country (for legal reasons.)
4:19 PM PST
I propose that SLC contingent have a Holiday Tourney to determine seedings for the Interwest Classic and that MC5 (the Christmas Classic) determine seedings for the LA squad.
10:36 PM PST
It is possible but we suffer a great deal of flakery here in SLC.
8:22 AM PST
I'm working on the Parley Pratt Classic, but I fear it won't happen.
12:43 PM PST
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