Better living through bowling

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Party and non-party bowling: two for the price of 2

Update: said housemate uploads some pictures to his blogathing.

1) Sunday night one of my housemates had a "I'm sick of this job so I quit" party thrown by the very company his is quitting. It was quite nice of them to honor him in such a way even though he is leaving them, but, hey, he's a pretty cool guy and they know that they are losing a good worker. The important part of the this "I hate you even though you love me party" was that after a few tasty eats at said company we hot-footed it to Olympus Hills Bowling Alley (the lanes are to the far, far right of the picture in the big square building--not the Dan's) for four reserved lanes. It was late by the time we got there and due to that, the time change, and the previous night's Halloween events Senor Orris was extremely tired and bowled like crap. We're talking, once again, under 100 crap. I just couldn't feel it and sat alone, head in my hands, trying to stay awake. I couldn't really abandon the party, however, as it was nice of them to have it and I did not wish to disappoint said housemate.

Housemate, on the other hand, bowled an extraordinary set of games: 185/169. He claimed later that he was nervous with all his fun-loving ex-coworkers around. I wish nervousness increased my abilities like it does his.

2) Last night, however, out-of-work Housemate rolled crap. I, however, felt a bit better but still didn't do that great, but certainly better than Sunday. I bitched about the ball I was using (it kept snagging my thumb) so I switched and did marginally better. In the second game, Housemate picked up a bit and rolled a turkey. This improvement, however, was soon sunk by a donught/3 pin pickup combo that sent House into an emotional tailspin.

My game never improved and never got worse. Things could be worse. Oh yeah.

The highlight the night was the guy in the lane next to use who managed to bowl quite consistently with good scores while chatting with his cell phone held to his ear.



Blogger karmaking1111 said...

Emotional tailspin? I think of it more as a meditative ponderance.

9:42 AM PST


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