Better living through bowling

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by Theorris.
While we were bolwing last night, I was suddenly struck by a photography project: catch the reaction people display after they turn around from throwing the ball. It would be a tough project in that people would be insecure at first and play to the camera. I would need to norm them to it over several sessions like they norm animals to blinds when doing wilderness photography. Perhaps I would need to set up a blind in the bowling alley: a suitably disguised pro-shop thing or something.

Anyway I am quite amused by reactions that some folks display. There are the insecure "I don't know what I am doing looks" to the insecure "I am a cocky son-of-a-bitch" looks. Most of it, however, involves insecurity.

For myself, I tend to be quite the expressive bowler and yell and swear (when no small children are present.)


Blogger karmaking1111 said...

When no child is present?

9:37 AM PST

Blogger Clint Gardner said...

No only small children. I usually swear at large children.

7:12 AM PST


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