Farewell, Gramby Joe
A friend just took a job in Florida that will remove him from LA for at least two years. It is likely that he will never return (if you left LA, would you come back?). In celebration of his new job and to say goodbye, Heidi and I decided to take him bowling, where we could talk and mow down some pins.
Moments before the start of our game, I got a call from my mom that my thirteen year old dog, Gramby Joe, had just passed away back in Pennsylvania. Gramby Joe was a good friend. Heidi asked if I wanted to leave, and at first I did, but then I realized that there was no better way to spend those moments of sorrow than with special people doing something that I love. Gramby would have wanted it that way.
McCracken: 161, 135 (ave: 148)
Blanche: 73, 126 (ave: 99.5)
Wilma: 81, 103 (ave: 92)
Thanks for some great times, Gramby. You were much loved and will be missed.
Just the name Gramby Joe was a continual source of comedy...Gramby will be missed. I do note that McCracken is bowling better and better, especially under the circumstances...
10:28 AM PDT
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