Better living through bowling

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Bowling and Life

People (coaches in particular) are fond of saying their sport is like life. My high-school basketball coach said on many occasions, "Gentlemen, basketball is like life." And we nodded as though this statement represented some great truth. I know people who golf who say golf is like life. Fill in your favorite sport and add the phrase "is like life."

But bowling, bowling is not like life--and this is why we love it. It resists our attempts to draw facile analogies, to make meaning where none is. Bowling is like nothing, and nothing is quite like bowling. Bowling is irreducible. It is lack and its opposite; presence and absence.

Each year, our basketball team would have a bowling contest. I always lost, and by lost I don't simply mean I didn't win, I mean I came in last or near last. The Condiment was always near the top, as I remember. But this somehow didn't matter. We were still friends. Bowling didn't come between us. Neither did it draw us together. It meant nothing, and this is why it mattered.


Blogger Condiment said...

This post is far too highbrow for our lowbrow blog, Middlebrow. Lower your standards, son. If I reject this post from my blog will you put it in your new magazine?

9:03 PM PDT

Blogger Clint Gardner said...

I disagree, Condiment. Think of it this way--Middlebrow seems to be making an argument for inertia and what is more bowling or lowbrow than inertia?

10:23 PM PDT

Blogger Condiment said...

Don't get me wrong, Boonasty, I love the post. And I agree with it. I just expect a certain amount of grunting and stomping around here. Grunt, stomp, ooga booga. All right, then, since I am in a retracting mood of late, I'll wipe the previous comment right off the blogosphere.

11:12 PM PDT

Blogger Condiment said...

Oh, and also, I just wanted to use the words highbrow, lowbrow, and middlebrow all in the same sentence..

11:20 PM PDT

Blogger Clint Gardner said...

I know the impulse: I wanted to use the word "inertia" in a whitty way.

8:09 AM PDT

Blogger middlebrow said...

I was going to talk about bowling and postructuralism, but I guess that's out now.

10:01 AM PDT

Blogger Clint Gardner said...

I don't know Mid-B. Grunt, stomp, and ooga booga seem to be the clarion calls for Poststructuralism.

1:48 PM PDT


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