Better living through bowling

Friday, September 30, 2005

Bowling for Everyone!

Maury of Greetings from Thingsville, US" blogged about one of those pamphlets that makes everyone from the 60s seem like they are on crack, in a boring kind of way: Bowling for Everyone!

If ever I had a sport explained to me in such bland terms, I'd be sure to avoid it at all costs. With a libretto worthy of a educational filmstrip, I'm glad I can drink under the blacklights at my bowling alley. (Thingsville)


Blogger Condiment said...

I like the really primitive compositing on this photo. You can tell by the distinct black outline around the bowlers that this was taken in some other location and the background was keyed in...And yes, they are on some euphoric substance...

12:57 PM PDT


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