Tinkerbell? Holy Shit!
Who the hell would even think of putting this monstrosity in his/her bag? Ok, yes, I was going to make the obvious sexist joke that it would be some tinkerbell, but I avoided so that I could put it in the second sentence.
"Tinkerbell" is something Nixon probably said frequently. He once describe Renquist as a clown simply because the soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice wore a brightly colored tie.
Tricky Dick bowls and calls people clowns. In every other aspect of existence Nixon fades. Here he gains...Leaps and bounds, my friend, leaps and bounds...
What I want to know is who is the guy lurking in the b/g of the Nixon picture. Some aide keeping score? One of his bowling buddies from college? Some PBA pro giving him lessons? This is the guy I care about...this lurking guy...he should be the subject of the new Oliver Stone biopic.
1:49 PM PDT
This is a nice post explaining a lot about bowling. I really appreciate your efforts to do so. If you have more information about this topic plz reply me here in the comment. Thanks in advance.
Bowling Alley
5:44 AM PDT
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