Better living through bowling

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Tinkerbell? Holy Shit!

Who the hell would even think of putting this monstrosity in his/her bag? Ok, yes, I was going to make the obvious sexist joke that it would be some tinkerbell, but I avoided so that I could put it in the second sentence.

"Tinkerbell" is something Nixon probably said frequently. He once describe Renquist as a clown simply because the soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice wore a brightly colored tie.


Blogger Condiment said...

Tricky Dick bowls and calls people clowns. In every other aspect of existence Nixon fades. Here he gains...Leaps and bounds, my friend, leaps and bounds...

What I want to know is who is the guy lurking in the b/g of the Nixon picture. Some aide keeping score? One of his bowling buddies from college? Some PBA pro giving him lessons? This is the guy I care about...this lurking guy...he should be the subject of the new Oliver Stone biopic.

1:49 PM PDT

Blogger Irfan Ramzan said...

This is a nice post explaining a lot about bowling. I really appreciate your efforts to do so. If you have more information about this topic plz reply me here in the comment. Thanks in advance.
Bowling Alley

5:44 AM PDT


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