Better living through bowling

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Lis sings the praises to the Bowling Syndicate!

blogger bowlarama
Originally uploaded by Theorris.

the tension mounted...

blogger bowlarama
Originally uploaded by Theorris.

Bowling Syndicate SLC Bowl Off!

blogger bowlarama
Originally uploaded by Theorris.
Middlebrow catches a few ZZZs before the action begins. Condiment looks on.

Condiment rolls a strike!

blogger bowlarama
Originally uploaded by Theorris.
Well maybe it wasn't a strike, but that's a much more interesting title than "Condiment rolls for 5 pins."

and happiness ensued

blogger bowlarama
Originally uploaded by Theorris.

Dr. Write Busts a Move!

blogger bowlarama
Originally uploaded by Theorris.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Ting your Bowl

The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, London 1674 to 1834: "George Mordock of Stepney was Tryed for Killing Zekiel Pool on the 25th of May last with a Ninepin Bowl , upon Tryal it appeared, that the Prisoner, and divers other persons being at Play in a Ninepin-ground, the Deceased became there an assistant in setting up the Pinns, or as a looker on, when so it fortuned, the Prisoner to Ting his Bowl to strike any Pin that was barred from access by any trundling, it struck against a Born by the way, and bounded with such force upon the Head and Shoulders of the Decessed, that he soon after Dyed, but no quarrel, nor the least malice appearing, not that it altogether happened by accident, the Jury concluded it Chance medly, and thereupon Acquitted the Prisoner ."

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Need fun?
